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SPSS micro 10: Simple linear regression Online

Looking for a statistics tune-up using SPSS? Come to the tenth workshop in our 11-part series to teach you the basics! In SPSS micro 10: Simple linear regression, you will learn the data type required for the test, check the assumptions for the test, and conduct a simple linear regression! 

Prior knowledge of SPSS is not required. Prior knowledge of statistics is not required. If you have no knowledge of SPSS or statistics, attending workshops #1 and #2 is highly recommended to orient you to these topics. 

You do not need to attend every session :) if you miss a session or want additional support, you can check the SPSS LibGuide (written by the instructor).

NOTE: This workshop will be held online via Teams. This workshop is open to U of G students, staff, and faculty. You MUST have a University of Guelph e-mail (ending in either @guelphhumber.ca or @uoguelph.ca) to register and participate in this workshop. As an e-mail will be sent to all registered attendees the morning of the workshop, registration closes 6 hours before the workshop.

Related LibGuide: Analyze Data: SPSS

Thursday, March 20, 2025
3:30pm - 4:00pm
Time Zone:
Eastern Time - US & Canada (change)
  Faculty/Staff     Graduate     Maps, GIS & Data     Research     Undergraduate  
This is an online event. Event URL will be sent via registration email.

Registration is required. There are 29 seats available.